Study the pictures below. You will see one picture, taken during a recent Sunday morning session, of a Israeli dance circle and 6 pictures of this circle being videoed by Yona Diamond Dansky.
So, what does this mean? In this case Yona was setting up a set of videos which are being distributed to the Germantown session only. This DVD has been in addition to the three "Golden" designated CDs that make up the Disk Coordinator 0014 project completed this summer.
Below is the contents of each CD
The two volumes are supposed to be a celebration of Israeli dance, an honoring of Ira Weisburd's world tour of 2012 which included the Delaware classes covered by this web site and the fifty years of James Bond Music. CD1 and CD2 are dealing with contempory Israeli dance music. CD1 has the partner dances and 3 dances associated with Ira Weisburd CD2 is designed for fast, then faster music. The criteria was to create a fast beat CD of Israeli dance music CD3 will be older favorites of Germantown (the newer favorites are also a part of CD1 and CD2) CD4 is to be a DVD of videos taken by Yona Dansky of various dances at Germantown. CD4 will only be distributed at Germantown and CD3 will have limited distribution beyond Germantown.Play lists of the Diskcoordinator 0014 vol I Playlist of Golden I Lev Petuach Ilan Beche Kinor Tene Ha'ayera Shel Tuvia Tzchorat Kanof Binkom Preida Lo Ozev Et Ha'ir Rikud Romanti Serenade Le'ada Seret Shachor Lavan Simanim Hofa'at Be'chayay Im Telech Kolot Ha'lev Michaela Nagri Gitara She Yavo Im At Adaib Ohevet Oti Zara Ve Ani Shar Shtayim Balayla Yorchet Esh Kshewat Lito Ze Harega *Whipped Creme *Sonata *Shuj Shuj zemer The Golden Horn (track 4 of the FRWL sountrack of 1963) *In celebration of Ira Weisburd's 2012 World Tour Playlist of Golden II Eize Yom Yaffe Chag Ha'ahava Halayla yesh Chagigah Ashir Lachem Rikdi Ahavet Chayai Enatzel K'shenotzetz Hatal Mi Yohav Otach Pesek Zman Shir Le Asaf Pitom Kam Adam Pashut Ohez Tishhmneu Al Altzmechern Tagidu La Ha'Radio Ha'Yashon Tehila Hachatunot (p)Ha'kol Davash I'm tirtzi Lada'at Tzar Meod Rak Elohim (p) Ani Lo Yachol Geshem Ahava Shema'amin Yesh Sham Bama Romanti 0 Simati Ahava Tenazeach 007 Theme (track 7 of the FRWL soundtrack of 1963) Playlists of the diskcoordinator 0014 Vol II Playlist of Golden III Geshem Al Panai Bachalom Overet Orach Lakum V'Laamod Israelit Givah Achat Yareach Todo La'el Bimkom Preida Bo Beshalom Eretz Yisrael Yaffa Shir Al Rei Sovevuni Bepardes Eshebo Eim Rotzim Shufni Tzel Etz Tamar Or Chadash Tikvateinu Olam Hafuch Ahava Eretz Achat Hanisich Halavan Rona Mamriim FRWL/JB themes (Track 1 of the FRWL soundtrack of 1963) Video list of Golden IV (This is DVD and a DVD player is needed) Grant's Meloncholy trio Bachalom Overet Orach Lakum V'laamod Or Chadash Yereach (unfortunately at this time this is upside down)
Distribution is occurring in three ways. All groups eligible will be the recipients of The DiskCoordiantor 0014 Vol 1 consisting of Golden I and II CDs. Most groups will also get a condensed Diskccordinator 0014 Vol II package consisting of the Golden III CD. Germantown gets the full packages including the full diskcoordinator Vol II package consisting of Golden III and a DVD consisting of some dance videos taken during a Germantown session.
One of the features of these CDs are the themes and kickers. One of the sub themes will involve the recent visit of Ira Weisburd to Delaware where he taught at two sessions covered by this web site. We have included Whipped Creme in our playlist as this is one of the line dances that Ira taught at the Arden Gild in Nov'12.
Of course, with a full name of TDC 0014 and platter names of Golden I, II III and IV, frequent visitors to this web site should have an idea of what directions the kickers will be moving. It is, after all, the 50th anniversary of James Bond music. So, we have included tracks 4,7,1 of the From Russia With Love soundtrack (Golden Horn, 007 theme, FRWL instrumental theme) as the last tracks on CDs I,II and III.
Documentation is always part of these types of rollouts. Unfortunately, one part of our documentation - of the Bond music - got a little too involved - assuming that one agrees that 20000 words and close to 200 pictures is overkill. We have put this documentation on this website and you can access this by clicking here.
We have full documentation of the Golden III disk, consisting of Germantown favorites (except for one error) which you can access by clicking here.
Additional documentation on the Golden IV DVD is available by clicking here.
The beginning of documentation for Golden II can be found by clicking here. Since the 007 theme is the kicker for this CD, this CD consists of fast and then faster music. You can see more on this kicker by clicking here.
A preliminary discussion of the kicker for Golden I can be found by clicking here.
Distribution has occurred at Germantown on June 23rd, at Arden (Wilmington) on June 26 and at Cherry Hill on July 2nd. The Monday Beth Sholom class received a distribution on July 22nd. That same day a small distribution was sent on its way to New Orleans. Pittsburgh's distribution is on July 28 and small distributions have occurred in recent weeks at Don's Thursday class. Washington has been supplied through Ethan Halpern and Barbara Jeffe. Below, we show a disk distribution in more detail.
Above we have indicated the initial distributions of the Thediskcoordinator 0014 CDs. But the CDs are shipped to other areas also. One of these is New Orleans. The New Orleans Israeli dance session is under the leadership of Elliott Raisen. You can access their web site at Below are some pictures from their web site showing the session at dance except for the last picture which was taken when Rich, one of our local dancers, visited their session.
To get several copies of the CDs over to Elliott for distribution, one of our representative toted the CDs over to the Royal Buffet & Grill Chinese restaurant on City Ave where he hooked up with Bill Kroetz and some of his friends. For some of our regional dancers, Bill should look familiar. Bill is a native Philadelphian who many years ago moved to New Orleans and, among many activitiers, was an attendee of International folk dance sessions in that city. Post Katrina, he relocated back to the Philadelphia area for two years as his house was being rehabbed after the flooding. During those two years Bill was a regular at Don's Kaiserman Y class when that was in existance. Returning back to the Big Easy, he added Elliott's Israeli dance sessions to his weekly schedule which still includes International dance. Below are two pictures of the CD distribution which included some CDs for the New Orleans session. The CD package everyone is holding is the CD jewel case holding Golden 1 & 2.
You can see documentation of other CD package rollouts by this web site by clicking here. All distributions of music CDs are done at no cost to recipients. Only those who participate in appropriate Israeli dance educational sessions are eligible to receive these.