Wednesday nights at the Arden Gild Hall have for many years been dedicated to folk dancing of different kinds - International and Israeli. And, Friday nights, a hearty group in Newark, south of Wilmington and home to the University of Delaware, have also practiced International folk dancing.
In both cases a constant presence has been that of a woman slight of build, but large in character. We are, of course, highlighting Fay who recently celebrated a significant birthday and is pictured around this discussion. Since 1971, which is over 40 years ago, Fay has travelled up and down Delaware to pursue her passion of dancing. In addition, Fay has travelled throughout the Eastern US to pursue this at various dance camps throughout the years and throughout the states.
Most of these pictures were taken during the official Fay's birthday celebration on March 9th in Newark. At that time many of the regulars of that session joined members of her family and others in honoring her as you can see on each side as we alternately rotate pictures at the top and the bottom which you can control.
In these pictures, surrounded by her son and daughter (and grandchildren), she was very gracious in thanking everyone for the good wishes and also for accompanying her in this pursuit of dancing throughout the years.
A contingent of Pennsylvania dancers made it down to this celebration and we armed them with cameras to record the events of that night. Below, we outline what you are seeing in this pictural essay.
Much of the night was devoted to remembrances. A large television supported by a cd/dvd was used to show previous videos of parties and special events featuring Fay and her family and other dancers.
Prior to this event, an Email had been sent out soliciting photos of Fay through the years and these photos were mounted in folios for all to see. In fact, much of the conversation centered around these old pictures as you can see.
A buffet dinner was also provided for this occasion. Newark has had these types of dinners before, in fact it seems quite often. Viewers of this web site will remember the pot luck dinner in the middle of last December to celebrate the coming of the new year.
Fay's family, and Dave who has been Fay's long-time companion and dance partner for many years, was in attendance and they were gracious enough to also speak to the group of dancers and attendees that congregated that night in Newark. In addition, prior to the evening, they provided quite a bit of the photographs displayed in these books. Her daughter also related a story which we recap here.
Several years ago, at a dance workshop in upstate New York, which she and Dave attended, Fay found herself in considerable pain. In what only those who love dancing would understand, she chose to continue with the workshop rather than be attended to at a nearby medical facility. It was only on their return to Delaware that Fay found herself in a Christiana health care hospital being treated for a ruptured appendix. Again, there would be many who would declare this to be foolhardy, but those who know Fay personally know of her dedication to dancing despite the normal, and in this case the abnormal, aches and pains.
This web site joins in wishing Fay a happy 80th birthday and our wish is for her to celebrate 80 more.