We guess to readers this web site seems like a set of projects that are continually being extended. It seems the same to this web site's editors. Some time ago this web site had been the recipient through Israel Siegler of various stills of past performances of Israeli dance troupes during the late '80s and through the '90s which you can see by clicking here. In addition, Israel gave this web site a Betamax tape pertaining to the taping of the practice and performance associated with the 1996 Israel(i) Day activities at Penn's Landing in Philadelphia and a troupe of dancers' perfromance that day on the Moshulu.

Converting betamax to DVD is difficult these days and a final resolution of this was when this web site used the Ritz Camera shop in the King Of Prussia Mall to secure the conversion. Israel will be the recipient of a DVD that contains the contents of the Betamax tape.

Included on the DVD is a set of pictures pulled at random from the Betamax tape during the conversion. There were 100 pictures (jpg images) in all and we are using 95 of these below to give you, the viewer, a peek into this performance some 16 years ago as this is written.

We break up this presentation into three sections of pictures. The first deals with practice which apparently takes place somewhere near the Ben Franklin Bridge. The second set of pictures are along Penn's Landing with some on the ship as the performance is introduced. The Third set of pictures are of the performance done on the ship. Notice the costumes the dancers are wearing.

In looking at the pictures we are able to distinguish Israel and Pnina Siegler, Grace Flisser and Rob Malerman as these four are still involved with israeli dancing as we write this script. Hopefully readers will provide the names of the other dancers. All the dancers, whether still active or not, deserve great credit in devoting their time and effort into this production.

Below are pictures of the practicing

Below are pictures on shore and the introduction on the ship

Below are pictures of the performance